Vaccination contre le coronavirus dans l’insuffisance cardiaque : pas de temps à perdre
Jerome Roncalli, François Roubille, Nicolas Lamblin, Nicolas Girerd, Frédéric Mouquet, Nicolas Chapet, Camille Roubille, Emmanuelle Berthelot, Katie Galois, Pascal Battistella, Guillaume Jondeau, Jean-Michel Tartiere, Sylvain Aguilhon, Jean-Pierre Gueffet, Muriel Salvat, Thibaud Damy, Michel Galinier, for the Heart Failure Group of the French Society of Cardiology
Viral diseases are well-established factors responsible for acute decompensation in chronic heart failure (CHF). The underlying pathophysiology includes increased myocardial work and an infection-related inflammatory response, which further contribute to the increase in diastolic and/or systolic dysfunction. Direct myocardial viral involvement may also lead to myocarditis, which can worsen pre-existing ventricular dysfunction. Thus, viruses are expected to increase cardiovascular mortality in heart failure (HF), and influenza vaccination might be considered as an effective treatment strategy to improve survival in HF.
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